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We follow a life style, integrating the purely contemplative Carmelite spirit with the apostolic activities according to the needs of the time. This is implied in our motto, "Remain united to me in contemplation (Jn 15:4) and consecrated to me in action"

Prayer Life

The intense love experience to call God ‘ABBA’, the constant awareness of indwelling presence of the Holy Trinity, strong faith and absolute trust in the providence of God, total commitment to discern and follow the will of God and devotion to the Mother of God, together constitute our heritage of prayer that we have received from our Founder Fathers.

Vowed Life

We respond to the loving gift of God’s call in faith by living out devoutly the evangelical counsels of obedience, chastity and poverty. The model before us forever is Jesus Christ who sacrificed Himself for the redemption and sanctification of entire humanity. Our response through the profession of vows is radical self-gift we offer to Christ and in Christ to every member of the human family.

Community Life

We are called and united by the same founding spirit to make the commandment of Jesus “to love one another as I have loved you” (Jn 13:34) a reality through a community life.  Its goal is to grow unto the fullness of love by mutually accepting, serving and co-operating, as our founder father exhorts, “all must be like the members of one family, children born to, nursed and brought up by the same mother.”  We are called to share such a communion of love in the community to continue the redemptive mission of Jesus Christ. Our community life is a concrete expression and a living symbol of our total response to the Word of God.

Apostolic Life

The goal of our apostolic activities is to lead all people to God, since even a single soul whom Jesus Christ saved by shedding his precious blood should not perish is the desire of the heavenly Father. Our religious life is permeated by this apostolic spirit of leading all people to God and our apostolic life is animated by the religious spirit. It is an attitude, a spiritual force and a sense of mission that pervades our whole life. So all throughout our life, we are having an apostolic lifestyle characterized by a life of prayer, suffering, service, and of witnessing Christ.

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